How Zero Export Device work?
Price of Zero Export Device
Understanding the concept of Zero export device is easy for a technical personal with good experience. But the same is not that much easy for a non-technical or technical person with less experience. We [Payperwatt] always try to teach more and more people about the concept of Zero Export Device and other solar energy terms. But it hard for us to meet each and every person by our self and teach them the same.
How Zero Export Device work?
There are lots of software available in the market for the simulation of Solar power plant with net metering. But none of them simulate the output behavior of Solar power plant having Zero Export Device.
That why, we build a very interactive simulator, which simulate all the possible working concepts of Zero Export device.
You can use this simulator to show your clients about the working principle of Zero Export Device.

Lets get started, read the following points before using the simulation.
The simulator is in its preliminary stage, and it simulate the behavior of 100kW solar power plant with the Zero Export Device.
First select the availability of Gird power, keep it yes for the starting.
You can either select that DG Set’s availability or not
Now if you select that DG Set is available then select the size (rating) of DG SET. [if you select that DG SET is not available, there is not use of selecting rating od DG SET. Let it be at default value of 7.5kVA]
Now choose the amount of energy solar panels are producing from the first slider.
Then choose the amount of energy load required from the second slider.
Last thing left is sharing point. Sharing point set the minimum percentage of load need to be on Grid.
For Grid, the by default value of sharing point is 0%. But if the load is fluctuation is high [ ex. Factory load], you can use some other values. Recommended values for fluctuated load are 5%, 10% and 15%.
As soon as you selecting the options or changing the values, you will find the change in the load sharing between PV inverter and GIRD.
Now change the availability of Gird power from ‘YES’ to ‘NO’.
And If your selection of DG SET availability is ‘YES’, you will see the load sharing (or DG SET). [for DG SET the default value of sharing point 30%, running DG SET below 30% of its rating will damage it click here to read more].
Now change your options and see what result you will get.
Pricing of Zero Export Device
Payperwatt delivered the complete solutions of Zero Export, DG Sync, Remote monitoring and consultancy services. We also delivered on grid inverters with Zero Export facility please go to our home page < click on mail us < you will find a form, fill it and list of our complete product range along with pricing will be mailed to you. If you can’t find the same check you spam/junk box. Sometime automated mails delivered there.
Special note. After using this simulator, you might feel like using the smallest size of DG SET with PV plant is more profitable. But remember when we switch power from GIRD to DG SET (in case of power failure). PV inverters will take almost 1 minute to get started. So, for that interval of time DG SET will have complete load.
The recommended size of DG SET = (average highest load)/0.8, to keep DG SET only 80% loaded.
Our next step is to make simulator which give the recommended rating of DG SET too. (subscribe to our news later for latest update, refer bottom of the page and check your inbox for the welcome mail. If can’t find the same check you spam/junk box. Sometime automated mails delivered there.)
If you have any question or suggestion for this simulator leaves a comment below.